2023 Season: Charged-Up

2023 Season "Charged-Up" Archieves

The 2023 season was Tech Tr1be's rookie season. Over the very limited months that we were a team, we have acomplished a lot and even made it to worlds! You can find all of our information regarding our season here, in the archives.

2023 Season Overview

As mentioned before, we have accomplished a lot our rookie season. Get an overview of them on the 2023 Season Overview page!

Our Team Members

We love our team members. Each and every one of them. You can take a look at who was on the 2023 team here!

Season Awards

Over the very short season, we have gotten many awards. Check them all out here!

Photo Gallery

Photos? we've got plenty of them! Visit our built-in photo gallery here to find the best photos of us! You can even submit your own as well by emailing us!

Our Sponsors

Our sponsors are the reason why we even exist. Without funding, we wouldn't be able to travel, compete, make memories, and much much more!